I will post every Monday and Thursday. I will keep doing this, regularly, so my readers may be sure that if they come to my blog on Monday or Thursday, there will be something new here for them to read. On Monday, they are guaranteed pretty pictures of sexy people. On Thursday, they will also get pictures but they are not guaranteed to be pretty pictures of sexy people.
They could be weird, like this:
I think that I shall never see
a poem as sexy as this tree
The picture may mean nothing to anyone but me, which would be unlikely to happen, because what is the point of posting a picture that means nothing to anyone but me? Unless I suspect that, with Janine Ashbless out of town, no one is going to comment on my blog anyway? Then I might post something like this, which is a statue, I guess you would call it, of a muskie, which is a fish you can catch in the lovely waters of Kenora, Ontario.
I like funny pictures too, like this one. Except maybe it's only funny because he's a large man. Or is it funny just because he's a man?
Which reminds me of an amusing anecdote. I was going to a fetish club with my then-husband and I was a tad nervous because I hadn't been to one before. I said to him, as we were entering the club, "Well, I look better than she does, anyway," and he sighed and said, "That's a man."
Hey that reminds me. I've been saving a picture for some time now, saving it for the perfect Thursday post, and I think this is the one. Enjoy, dear Madeline Moore blog fans. Please, don't feel that you need to take the two minutes to post a comment so I know I'm not blogging to myself. Really.
I get great pleasure from autoerotobloggerism. Really I do.
Winner of Erotic Awards 2011 "Story Teller of the Year." Sarah's Education is 3rd on the Stellar Libraries' list of 30 most titillating tales of all time, reports UK newspaper The Daily Mail,November 2012. READ ME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!
About Me

- Madeline Moore
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Wild Card, 2006. Winner of "best oral sex scene" - Scarlet Magazine. Amanda's Young Men, 2009. Excerpted in Scarlet Magazine; Juicy Bits. Sarah's Education, 2009. Hit the #1 spots on Amazon.co.uk adult fiction & adult romance best seller lists. Jade Magazine bestowed the best cover art, 2009 award on Sarah's Education. "Get Up, Stand Up!" which appeared in The Cougar Book (Logical-Lust) won me the title 'Story Teller of the Year 2011' at The Erotic Awards, London, UK. Sarah's Education took the #3 spot on a list of the 30 most titillating titles of all time, as reported in English Daily Mail ;Female; Nov. 12, 2012. Debutante, a petite novel for e-publisher Imprint Mischief, (Harper-Collins) pubbed in 2012. I tutor writing students and am a member of the WGC. D.M. Thomas said: Madeline Moore writes great sex without metaphor and that's not easy to do. Kris Saknussemm said: You're a good egg, Madeline Moore. I am a good egg who writes great sex without metaphor! Yippee!
: )
Quelle potpouri!
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