I'm just here to check the parking meter.
Just a silly quote from 'Oh Lucky Man'
I'm feeling lucky today. I survived surgery and my newly unstapled scar was pronounced 'beautiful.' By the surgeon, but still...now that I understand what was wrong with me and what she expected to find during the 'long and complicated' surgery she was going to perform, followed by a stay in I.C.U., I feel really lucky to have had a short, simple sugery. I *was* kind of looking forward to ICU, just for the novelty of it, and to have my very own nurse, but I graciously gave that up to be returned to my room, and Felix, and then come home!
Amanda's Young Men is getting terrific reviews! 3 so far, one of which will appear on the ERWA site in May. Good reviews...what a great feeling.
And another book in the publishing process. Sarah's Education will do well, I think.
I guess it's time to start lining up reviews, excerpts, etc. for Sarah...but for the rest of today I'm going to bask in my good luck.
Winner of Erotic Awards 2011 "Story Teller of the Year." Sarah's Education is 3rd on the Stellar Libraries' list of 30 most titillating tales of all time, reports UK newspaper The Daily Mail,November 2012. READ ME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!
About Me

- Madeline Moore
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Wild Card, 2006. Winner of "best oral sex scene" - Scarlet Magazine. Amanda's Young Men, 2009. Excerpted in Scarlet Magazine; Juicy Bits. Sarah's Education, 2009. Hit the #1 spots on Amazon.co.uk adult fiction & adult romance best seller lists. Jade Magazine bestowed the best cover art, 2009 award on Sarah's Education. "Get Up, Stand Up!" which appeared in The Cougar Book (Logical-Lust) won me the title 'Story Teller of the Year 2011' at The Erotic Awards, London, UK. Sarah's Education took the #3 spot on a list of the 30 most titillating titles of all time, as reported in English Daily Mail ;Female; Nov. 12, 2012. Debutante, a petite novel for e-publisher Imprint Mischief, (Harper-Collins) pubbed in 2012. I tutor writing students and am a member of the WGC. D.M. Thomas said: Madeline Moore writes great sex without metaphor and that's not easy to do. Kris Saknussemm said: You're a good egg, Madeline Moore. I am a good egg who writes great sex without metaphor! Yippee!
You were worrying us Madeline. Glad to hear it's all gone smoothly.
Thank you dahling. I was getting fairly miserable. One night I lay down and decided, 'There's something really wrong with me. I guess I'll just wait for a serious health crisis and then we'll know what it is...'
And that's precisely what happened.
Sorry to hear you had such a rough time, Madeline, but glad you are feeling better now.
Here's a little something to hopefully cheer you up. :)
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